080: FAIL In Order To SUCCEED!

FAILURE is one of those words that many of us try to avoid thinking about or even saying. In this episode, we will discuss how important failure is in the process of obtaining success. There is hope and we can reframe our view of failure as an accepted natural step...

078: WHO Do You Want To Be?!

In this episode, we talk about returning to some of our thinking that fed our dreams as children.  When we become adults and deal with that life and those bills, oftentimes many people get lost and forget what their dreams were.   We talk in this episode about the...

077: Why Are You OK With Losing?

We talked today about several facets of winning and what our mindsets should be.  We talked about learning lessons along the way and shared a story of my son, Marcus, who is very competitive.   We talked about how competition itself brings out the best in us and the...


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