029: Are You in the RIGHT Business?

We talk in this episode about the importance of first picking the right industry and then deciding in what capacity you intend to contribute.  For this, it is important to know yourself – your strengths and weaknesses!  We talk about some of Leo’s past...

028: Values & Principles Build Empires

We talk at length in this episode about the grand importance of values and principles in operating a lasting and successful business.  Through stories and individual examples, we illustrate first hand just why this is an indispensable part of business.  We talked...

026: Business Is A Team Sport

In this episode, we touched on my recent trip to the Riviera Maya in Mexico with my wife and our five kids.  We also got into the five stages of businesses as discussed at length in the incredible book, Tribal Leadership.  We talked about how this applies with...

025: The Game of Life & How Lebron Won It!

In this episode we talked about keeping all the wheels in motion and building until things take on a life of their own.  All the while, you assume and maintain control while humbly engaging in complete self-awareness.  We speak at length about Lebron James and his...

024: You Are Your Own Worst Enemy…

We talked in this episode about how we need to own our behavior and, instead of exacerbating and/or wallowing in problems, we have the ability to respond to life productively and effectively.  We got into some stories from past business experiences, including times I...


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